My neighbor just banged on my door and asked me to stop singing. SUCK IT, NEIGHBORS!! I'm channeling my inner Beyonce over here, and you're busting up my groove!!!

Clearly they don't recognize talent when it slaps them in the face. Perhaps if they had seen the awesome dance moves accompanying my singing they would feel differently.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

LMAO. Hope you turned up the volume and belted out the songs even louder! :D

PlaysByEar said...

I'm halfway around the world and think I can still hear you!

Missy said...

Video of said dance moves, please...

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Yeah, like IO Missy said: Video!

(But no audio, please. I suspect your neighbor may be on to something vis-à-vis your singing skilz.)