I've been suffering from an extreme case of boredom lately. I'm sick of spending my days wandering around the city alone. I've seen the museum exhibits that I want to see. As my ever-widening ass will confirm, I have tried out enough cute little cafes, coffee shops, and bakeries to last a lifetime (well, there's always room for more coffee). My boredom is not the type that motivates me to get out and find something to do. It has become a bit crippling, causing me to waste enormous amounts of time doing...nothing. I'm still running, but only short distances and even that is feeling a bit boring lately. I don't do well with boredom, or with lots of free time. I tend to think too much and accomplish too little. I was NEVER bored in Seoul, never had a lack of things to do, but here boredom has become a very common state of mind for me.

I need a change of scenery. I am in the process of making that happen, but for now I am stuck in limbo. Barely working because I won't be here long enough to make finding a "real job" worthwhile. Not making any new friends because I'm leaving soon. It has occurred to me lately, though, that there will be things about the city that I'll miss. If you had asked me a few months ago what I would miss about this place after I left it would have been near impossible for me to come up with something.

The silver lining? I've been able to read a ton of books. I'm really enjoying Mating, though it's taking me a long time to get through it. The book was given to me by a close friend, who said he saw pieces of me in the main character. I see them, too. This is the first book I've read in a long time that feels "challenging" to me. I've had to look up quite a few words. Earlier today I finished a beautiful memoir by Thad Ziolkowski called On a Wave. Luckily I had Ant to help me with some of the surfing terminology, but even if I hadn't had him to teach me what a roundhouse cutback is, I would've loved the book.

This weekend marks the annual Hueco Tanks/Tex-Mex roadtrip. Man, what a difference a year makes.

Alright, enough whining. I'm gonna head outside for a run and some beautiful sunshine. Be good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jes, I am going to concentrate all my commenting on facebook but I do read your blog. It's such a great business model! I might even let some of my friends who is into web business about this. BUT we need to figure out how we can profit from it. Hmmm.....

Jes said...

Hey Kiwi!! Thanks for stopping by! :-)

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Reading is always a good alternative to boring. Here's the thing with me: I'm too cheap to buy books, so I put them on hold at the library; when I have the time to read a challenging one (because if it ain't challenging, what's the friggin point, right?), the book doesn't come in for me; and - you guessed it - when it comes in, I don't have the time.

Luckily, I work in the library and one of the few worthwhile perks of being a librarian is ... NO FINES for overdues.

That ... and all the hot, kinky, meaningless no-strings-attached librarian sex-in-the-stacks.

But the not paying fines is the BIG perk. You know: COME for the sex ... STAY for the NO FINES dealio ...