One of the nice things about living in the middle of nowhere in a country where I dont speak much of the language is that I spend an enormous amount of time reading (and doing soduku puzzles - I'm addicted!!). I've always been a huge reader, but regular life and actually having to communicate with people often sucks up my precious reading time. Now, between tons of time at home, a small amount of insomnia, and long subway rides to get anywhere, I'm flying through books!

I was just browsing some online book lists to get some ideas for my next trip to the bookstore. I don't know who makes these lists, but many of them seemed to operate under the assumption that the longer a book is, the better it is. Also, listing The Harry Potter Series is actually 7 books, not one. And The Complete Works of Shakespeare feels like it should count for more than 1 book, even if they are all stuck together in the same binding.

I think I'm going to start working on my own 'Must Read' list. Feel free to offer suggestions. :)


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Sorry sister! The Compleat Shakespeare and the whole HP series count as ONE BOOK EACH!

Start reading, you slacker! And yes, you have to read the crappy Shakespeare plays, too! No skipping over Troilus and Cressida or Titus Andronicus!

I want an essay on your blog about them ALL by this time next week!

WE HAVE THE CLIFF NOTES at my library so don't EVEN try it, sister! I'll know!

But ... I'm not a monster so ... for Harry P., it counts if you just see the movies.


I won't always be this lenient, jessica teacher!

Shells Bells said...

Three Cups of Tea if you haven't read it yet!

brownie said...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
Three Cups of Tea.
The Heroin Diaries.
Once a Runner.
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Anonymous said...

"Friendship: An Expose." by Joseph Epstein.

Unknown said...

I've been reading mostly running books lately.

A Race Like No Other, by Liz Robbins is what I'm reading now.

brownie said...

Into Thin Air.

rockstar said...

Green Eggs and Ham.

Bob said...

Fun with Dick and Jane....only because Rockstar already mentioned my all time favorite book. Whatever book is on your list has to have lots of pictures and big print......

achilles3 said...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Jes said...

I've read most of those, but Three Cups of Tea is on my list of books to read.

I had a class in Shakespeare in high school and another one in university, so I think I'm covered.