Remember when you first heard about the black market, and you thought it was a dingy, dark alleyway where rough looking dudes sold things like nuclear weapons and kidneys they stole from tourists who woke up drugged in an ice bath? And you had to know secret passwords and everyone walked around with briefcases full of unmarked bills?
I'm going for non-Korean toothpaste and Fritos.
Unless a certain person I like to call "MOM" wants to cement the 2009 World's Greatest Mother Award by mailing me some...
Better mail Mom that briefcase of unmarked bills first because Mom's no chump, sister!
that's where I found peanut butter. Yummy
what kind of toothpaste do you like? up the hill near the mosque (near what the book)some new shops opened after you moved home that had all kinds of goodies!
I've got an extra kidney that's for sale if you know of anyone needing one....
I don't think Mother's Day means what you think it means!
okay, okay, i will try to get to the store today. after i have my middleswarth chips for breakfast.
Ooh, the Mom is mean...braggin' about a middleswarth breakfast! But she also rox, along w/ BBJT for sending a beautiful card, thanks Mom!
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