Thanks to all of you who took a moment to send my girl Steph some positive vibes. Unfortunately, the Universe had other plans this time, and while it is frustrating and confusing that the prayers and wishes of so many went unanswered, it is a small comfort to know that the prayers and wishes of those in desperate need of new organs in order to survive had their dreams come true.
The world has suffered a truly great loss today. My best girlfriend has said goodbye to her mother, and my heart aches from it just as hers would for me if the situation were reversed. The timing was sudden and the reasons remain unclear. I guess we are not always meant to understand the meaning behind the Universe's actions ~ sometimes we just need to have faith that it knows what it is doing whether we agree or not.


joyRuN said...

frustrating and confusing that the prayers and wishes of so many went unansweredSo very true in so many ways.

I'm sorry for your loss, Jes.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Sorry for your friend's and your loss :(

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

O, Jes, I am so sorry to hear this.

You were lucky to have a friend who touched your life so deeply but Steph was also lucky to have had you. Aand I just bet she knew it.

My thoughts go out to her family for their tragic loss and also to you, Jes.

Please keep doing what YOU do to keep a positive energy alive in this confusing universe. I know your blog always brightens up my day.

Elisabeth said...

I'm sure your friend lives on in you. Somedays when you least expect it, you'll notice.
You know, sometimes when I smile in the mirror, I see the smile my mother left behind.
It's magic.
Hugs to you babe.

Jess said...

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. The timing of these things is so unfathomable...I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be so far away from her and her family during this time. My prayers and thoughts are with you!

raulgonemobile said...

I'm sorry to hear this. :( That's truly too bad

sumatra22 said...

Wow, you guys are amazing, thank you so much! Jes, you know that "The Big J" would not want you to be sad or cry, but to be happy for her being at peace. She's \watching over you now, protecting you you and thinking "I never did make her mashed potatoes with russets, and I feel really bad for that!"

I'm a lucky gal to have a friend like you, thanks so much buddy! I can't wait to talk to you soon!