I don't know how any germs managed to survive the incredible amount of dirty vodka martinis I've had in the past few days, but somehow a few must've snuck by because I'm sick. :-(

Sore throat...check
Achey body...check
Grumpy disposition...double check



Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Feel better, sister!

EVERYBODY is getting sick. I await the inevitable ... my turn.

Hasn't happened yet but ... it will.

I'm just a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, ain't I?

brownie said...

Drink for whining!

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you my version of the a really Nasty Ass Martini?
You go to the fridge and find that half full bottle of olives and pour in some ice cold vodka. All you need is a spoon. Just add some glasses and friends.
Not sick yet. Ate ball

Marcy said...

Yikes! Hope you feel better soon :-)

achilles3 said...

I just farted.

PlaysByEar said...

I was starting to get a sore throat, but then I drank a lot of beer and it went away. So, I can only conclude that drinking beer cures illness and drinking dirty martinis does not!

Anonymous said...

dirty vodka martinis don't kill germs but rather tax your liver for detoxing....of course you knew this.

Anonymous said...

come home and i'll make you chicken soup.