We headed to Sinchon last night for some sushi, and then we caught The Watchmen. The soundtrack was totally uninspiring and Forrest Gump-y, but the actual sounds of the movie were pretty freaking incredible!! Even with the ton of violence and the totally pointless soft-core porn scene, I'd totally recommend it.

As always, the book is way better.


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...


Even with the ... totally pointless soft-core porn scene, I'd totally recommend it

THIS implies you'd recommend it DESPITE the porn. I simply can't wrap my brainpan around that.

What you meant was: "Plus, it has this TOTALLY AWESOME porn scene that EMPOWERS WOMEN!1! And is worth seeing for THAT ALONE!!1!" ... Right?


I have not seen Watchmen but please tell me that in the porn scene it turns into Watchwomen because I really don't want to watch a couple dudes go at it. But I guess I will if I have to because ... *HEAVY SIGH* ... it's "empowering" ...

achilles3 said...

Agreed on the music.
It was almost distracting