Guess where Rockzilla and I will be in exactly 7 days?!?!? Bei-fucking-jing, bitches!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Send me your address if you want a postcard (dont dot call dot me dot jessi at gmail dot com), and brace yourselves for no less than 16,537 pictures of some wall they have there.
Nice! Have a great trip, and sending you an email now :)
I want a post card, beotch. Katie went there last year, she had a blast.
Very cool! Can't wait to hear all about it.
It's been years since I was at the Great Wall, but it's a gorgeous place, really spectacular. Only sucky thing is all the people chasing you trying to get in your face and sell you crappy souvenirs non-stop. Ahh, China. Have an awesome trip!
I heart China! SO MUCH. Enjoy :)
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