Just got back from my run (seriously, I'm still panting) and I gotta say, it was freaking awesome! I wish I could have taken all of you with me, cause you would've loved it! The Dear Leader could've dropped the big one while I was out there, and I would've melted into the happiest little pile of ooze you've ever seen.
I would've melted into the happiest little pile of ooze you've ever seen. ...
Don't be so sure of that, sister, because I've been around for a loooong time and in that time I've seen some happy ooze-piles. I've seen 'em all: Happy ooze, sad ooze, drunken ooze, strung-out ooze (not pretty), ooze-aplooza ooze, ooze Demanding Its Right to Choose, and floozy ooze and I do declare there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there (as did Paul Simon).
Glad you had a great, oozey run.
Have a great time in Bei-fucking-jing (man, I wish they'd stop changing the name of that place; or, if they HAFTA change it again, it's to "Bei-n*ts@ck-jing"!).
I'd like to get back at you and say I'm drinking a beer as I write this, but it's 9:30 a.m. here in Joisey and it's not Miller Time till 10 a.m.
Not that I'd ever drink a Miller.
sounds like a great run!! :D
Don't sweat the big one dropping. South Korea is only at Defcon 4 and not even worth worrying about. Come Defcon 2 you'd better head back to the States, girl.
Awesome job with the run!
And the Dear Leader can kiss my funky ass...and you can quote me on that. ;-)
glad you had a good run! we should all be so lucky.
This blog sucks!
Hey whats going on with you girlie? Its been a very very long time since you last posted. Miss reading your crazy stories :)
Hope you are doin well and kickin ass in Korea
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